Thursday, May 30, 2013


Despite the unbelievable amount of work that still needs to be done, the game is starting to feel like the product we want it to be!  The art will never be as pretty as level 1, but its not horrible to look at either.  Monica has been doing a killer job on level 1 as well.  I was planning on setting up the puzzles myself, but she went ahead and set them all up herself over the weekend!  Super cool.


Got new textures in.  They look like chocolate covered peanuts, so we are going to have to redo them.  Grass is ok, but is still a really bright lime green.  Lazarus is starting to work on the Skybox!

Puzzles are coming together!

Slingshots just require playtesting now, but the dragging puzzles still need a lot of work.  Really easy to break.


Shout out to all associated Chimettes! Credits are done!

Bell Glyphs

New glyphs added to the game and applied to bells in order to differentiate puzzle goals.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

TREES. They move.

I created a wind shader for my modular trees, based on this excellent tutorial:

Finalized UI

We now have an updated bell UI. There was a bug has been fixed where more than one type of bell could not be updating at the same time, but that has been fixed. The tether bar is finalized. We also have new pop-ups to help the player through their gaming experience.

New kismet nodes are responsible for fixing the bug. A new Stop UI update node prevents bells from updating when they are no longer activated.

The pause menu has been implemented into level two. We also have new menu options for viewing the controls, and setting the game resolution.

New Textures & Vertex Painting on Islands

I painted some brand-spankin' new grass and rock textures for the vertex painting on the Sky Islands.

Final Sky Golems in-game

Thursday, May 16, 2013

More UI

The tether bar UI has now been implemented.

And a couple new Kismet Nodes to get it working.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Flying Golem Texturing Progress

Erin's been doing some awesome work on the Flying Golem.
The model and rigging are well on their way to completion!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New UI Elements

Got some UI in for showing the bell cooldown as player feedback. The blue drains away as the time runs out. It dynamically adjusts its play rate depending on how long the bell's cooldown time is set too.

I did not want to waste time learning how to deal with Scaleform in Unrealscript so I created a couple Kismet nodes to help me to move variables that I need for updating UI to Kismet.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Brand New Bells!

A brand new set of bells based from Lazarus' wonderful concept art are now complete and UDK ready for level 1!  Awesome sauce!

Ooh!  Shiny!
And as an added bonus, these bells come with exciting new puzzles designed to bring additional gameplay to level 1.  Instead of being an optional tool to extend the player's tether, these bells will be imperative in helping the player advance through the level.  Each bell will produce a different sound, and players must ring them in the correct order to proceed.

That.... doesn't describe much, does it?  But fear not!  Details are currently still being sorted out.  We're hoping the new puzzles will be finalized and implemented within the next sprint.

Finally, the Flying Golem is coming to life!

Thanks to Kersti's awesome concept art for the Flying Golem, our vision for it is coming into reality:

Pretty cool, right?

And I am working hard to accurately bring her concept into 3-D, and then into the world of Chime. Usually, I am a strict polygons-only sort of modeler, so you wouldn't believe how much trouble I had getting Maya curves to behave like this!

Slingshot mechanic working!

So I spent a lot of time this weekend experimenting with the Slingshot mechanic.  Interestingly enough, I realized purely by accident that you can "ricochet" yourself off of your surroundings, reaching areas you were not aiming directly at.  This video shows me playing through two puzzles that I hope take advantage of this feature.

I think its very promising!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Meetings and Consecutive Tethering Particle

So this weekend the Programming/Mechanics/Puzzle design team had a meeting to all get on the same page about what exactly it is that we are going to accomplish this quarter on the mechanics front. We are now all on the same page, and we have a much more solidified idea of the exact functionality we need from each mechanic.

We had a small group meeting earlier today. We discussed, among other things, some gameplay improvements that can be made to Level 1. These improvements deal with making Level 1 more about exploration, and revealing the narrative to the player as gameplay progresses.

We also decided on which bell concepts we wanted to use for what purposes.

Flying Golem Bell - calls the flying golems
Gravity Bell - suspends gravity
Wind Bell - calls bursts of wind
Level 1 Bell - used for environment exploration in level 1

And on a programming front, minor improvements have been made to the slingshot mechanic. Also, the particle effect for player feedback for consecutive tether switching has been implemented and looks pretty cool. This led to the discovery of a small bug concerning the consecutive tether switching, but it has been remedied. Huzzah!

Also, this happened.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Slingshot Mechanic Prototyped!

Whoo! So the second of our major mechanics has an initial prototype. It still needs a lot of work, but its getting there!

state Slinging
    local vector slingVelocity;
    function PlayerMove(float DeltaTime)
        // Move pawn to the current tether position.
        Pawn.Velocity = -30 * slingVelocity;
        UpdateRotation( DeltaTime );
    event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName)
        slingVelocity = HTPawn(Pawn).Location - HTPawn(Pawn).MovementBoundsPosition;

I know, you are saying, really Kersti? It took you that long to write this snippet of code? Jeeze you suck. This is just the snippet of code that defines what is happening. Easy peasy. The real challenge was in making this snippet work with the rest of the code. All the rest of my coding effort for this problem was in a million little places everywhere else in the script that needed some new variable, some new function. Also, I had to rework the way the states worked a little bit, but they work better now!

Anyway. From here on out for the slingshot mechanic, most of what I will need to do will be expanding this little snippet into a larger snippet.  All the programming structure is in, now I just have to finesse it, make it more involved.

But before I do that, I am going to go back and fix up the Moveable Golem mechanic a bit. Also, going to implement a feedback particle for consecutive tether switching.

Prototyping Mechanics

For Sprint #2 I am constantly prototyping in engine the new Dragging mechanic and the Slingshot mechanic.  I will be working closely with Kersti to make these mechanics run as smoothly as possible.

This week I have set up the new Dragging mechanic and have been toying around with it.  There was a little trouble setting up the custom node initially, but Kersti has figured out the problem and I am looking forward to setting up a solid puzzle with them now!

Moveable Golem Kismet Node

Thought I had done this already, but it was brought to my attention that I hadn't. I made a kismet node that will change whether a moveable golem is moveable or not. This node can be activated when a bell rings to make specific golems moveable, and then activated again when a bell has finished its 'cooldown' to make the golems un-moveable again.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Movable Pillar Prototype

We now have a working prototype of the Movable Golem mechanic.

The MovablePillar golem class has a forceApplied event that is triggered as long as the pawn is outside the tether length, aka 'stretching.' This sets the direction that the Golem should move. The tick function moves the golem so long as the tether is stretching. Otherwise, it interps to a stop.

event forceApplied(Vector direction)
    directionVector = direction;

event Tick(float DeltaTime)
    local vector movementVector;
    // Inheritance
    directionVector = VInterpTo(directionVector, vect(0,0,0), DeltaTime, 10);
    movementVector = directionVector * DeltaTime;
    movementVector.Z = 0.0;

Aside from anything that Level and Puzzle designers ask me to change, I have a couple future fixes that I would like to implement. A 'mass' value for the golems, to determine how heavy they are, and how resistant to the pull of the pawn they are, so they don't move at the same speed as the player. Also, I want to experiment with using SmoothMove rather than Move to get a sliding effect. I want to make sure that the golems can be stopped by other assets with collision to limit the distance and places that the movable golems can go.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Particle and Programming Show, Feat. Porcupine Max

Brock Boutwell has been keeping up the great work in terms of particles, giving us even more particles to populate both Level 1 and the upcoming Level 2.

A small, fully animated candle flame!

A school of fish to be used wherever there are large pools of water.

Wind stream! Look out for these to be utilized much more often in Level 2. 

 In addition, Kersti Kodas, while taking a break from the Sprint Sheets, has been doing a lot of behind the scenes work, performing programming fixes and setting up things to make placement of certain assets easier for the level designers of Level 2.

And, at some point during the weekend, the crew got a hold of a lot of clothespins...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tutorial Level Building

On the road to Entelechy, the tutorial level has been receiving a great deal of love lately. Monica Young, Casey [Danger] Bridgham, and Nicole Brunken have been working on modeling and texturing assets to populate the level, while Max Benjamin has been devoting some of his time to creating the opening cinematic for the level in Matinee. Brock Boutwell has also been busy with some very pretty particle work.

Monica Young's In-Progress textures for the walls and floors of the Tutorial Level's Environment

Nicole and Danger's work on the murals, being used to communicate the story at the beginning of the Tutorial.  

Max's cinematic work, combined with a few of Brock's sparkly particles. Also, a finished mural pictured in the background.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Contest Entry! And Level Design

In preparation for both Entelechy submissions [and another contest], both environment teams for Project Chime are now retooling their efforts to polish up Level 1 of the game.
This means that the Tutorial Level we'd planned to create within the quarter has been moved to top priority and we'll be making a push to have everything up and running very soon.

Meanwhile, our Systems guys [and gals] have been on the ball, coming up with some layouts for both the Tutorial level and Level 2. The following is just one of many concepts. 

The player is represented here as a blue dot, while golems are represented in yellow.
After making their way over to the golems up on a ledge, the player must use the double-tether mechanic to grab onto both of the golems.
After contact is achieved, the player then waits for the third golem [pacing back and forth along the red arrow's path]  to get into range, before tethering to it. The third golem will still continue along its path.

With a well-timed release of the third tether, this configuration will create a slingshot effect, allowing the player to travel much farther.

This travel leads the player to another island, which was previously inaccessible. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Look Development: Colour

Another treat today, Nicole Brunken has been working on colouring Lazarus' architectural line work, in the hopes of securing what colors and values will be making it into the final game. 
As it was before, our inspiration is stemming from the saturated colours of the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

Oh! How colourful!

Here is the direction we have so far: 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Architectural Consensus and a Treat

Along with the rest of the Environment Team, Lazarus has been at work trying to come up with the visual mash-up of architecture that the group had discussed before. The following is a few of the sketches she's devised so far.

And here's a treat! This is one of Lazarus' environment pieces, colored by Nicole Brunken, in order to get a feel for the colours that will be used in the new environment.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Concept Art Begins!

On the Environment front, the Concept phase is in full swing as block-outs are being made, puzzles are being created, and sketches are being sketched... The following are a few pieces made by Lazarus, in the hopes of getting the style of our environment nailed down.

A Cage/Home for potential 'flying' golems.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Environment Conception

Team Chime's has been hard at work coming up with ideas for the second environment's [Fu Group's] world. So far, however, things have been narrowed down to either a grouping of floating islands or a canyon-like environment, both residing high enough to reach the clouds.

Into the Canyon
Disclaimer: Not our concept art... yet.

Among the Flying Islands

Disclaimer: Not actually flying... Barely an island...

The group has also set to work coming up with what the architectural aesthetic would encompass. Many different perspectives were thrown around and considered, including Early Native American, Gothic, and Scandinavian/Norse, so we decided on a mash-up, in the interest of extracting something original.

Medieval Influence

This image displays an emphasis on smooth stone, density of houses, and integration of cloth [if possible]. 

This image displays patterns used in the lattice work on buildings. If the team decides to follow through on this style, though, the densely packed cobblestone used will be replaced with a smoother stone, to prevent things from getting too garbled.

Since it's been decided that wind will play a role in this part of the game, an early interest in windmills was taken. These windmills have a very interesting shape to them that may be incorporated into the golems themselves.

Scandinavian/Nordic Influence

Chosen for their inset nature and grassy roofs that extend all the way into the ground,  these guy's have roofs that would integrate pretty nicely into both the sides and on top of either a canyon or flying island environment. 

Turkish/Ottoman Influence

Though probably not the prettiest building, the stilts/buttresses that prop up this little guy is something we'd like to emulate with buildings that may not be set on flat land. 

Stripes! Though the team won't be going in such a noisy way with them, subtle stripes are a feature being considered for structures that need attention or should stand out against the backdrop.  

This building, minus a more Nordic roof, is somewhat of a fusion between the styles the team is after.
With these references in mind, the team will be agreeing to a more nailed-down consensus in the coming days.